Friday, 28 October 2011

Analysis of Skin Deep(Yusaf Ali Khan) and Salaryman 6(Jake Knight)

Skin Deep
1. Identify the themes of the film. What was the directors primary aim?
2. Describe what you consider to be the films main focus.
The director outlines the psychological affects of racial bullying within Britain. We can see throughout the film the main characters denial of his race which causes him to avoid his sister in public and almost break down emotionally at the end. This ending shot juxtaposed with the shots of him being bullyed by white racists outlines a clear attitude of the affects of racism in britain. The focus on the emotion at the end makes it clear how bad racism is within Britain and, I think, it shows the British corruption against the segregation of races as the film is made to look like the time were major immagration had been shortly introduced.
3. Did you like/dislike the film and why?
I enjoyed this film as it gave a clear storyline throughout. We could understand the emotion that the main character was feeling and, because the film allowed us to see his internal character, we could sympathise with the character which was a essential in the immersion of the spectator into Skin Deep.
4. Was the film successful/unsuccessful in dealing with its subject matter and why?
The film was successful in dealing with its subject matter. The narrative is clear and presents explanations to why our main character is in that situation. We see racism as clearly affecting this character negatively which leads to what he does at the end. From here the audience interpretation is layed out for them.
Salaryman 6
1. Was there an element in the film that stood out to you?
The clever use of the circular narrative stood out to me in this film. It made me understand the subject matter more clearly. It is also worth mentioning the title of the film- 'Salaryman 6' as he is given a number and no name emphasisng the subject matter more clearly for the audience once they have viewed it.
2. How does the films form (structure and style) relate to its content (theme and subject matter)?
The films use of a circular narrative as well as the use of a one tone narration helped to emphasise the repetitive nature of society. Also the use of the camera as a catalyst to show the audience and the main character the same events that happen to him everyday. The shots that the director have used make the audience realise that everything is the same such as the shot of the main characters apartment amongst all the other identical apartments.
3. Discuss 2 techniques used in the film which you found interesting- Why do you think this approach was used?
The circular narrative was interesting as we are made to realise how the character got to that situation as well as being a set up to the subject the filmmaker deals with.
The use of the location. It is set in Asia, the most densly populated industry based business continent in the world. This is very useful in emphasising the title as he is just a number in a much bigger world therefore makes the individual look like a nobody.
4. Is the way sound is used appropriate/successful for the film and why?
The sound used is successful for the film. Salaryman 6 is based around the business aspect of life. Therefore there is a lack of music and instead the diegetic sound of printers and photocopiers working as well as the occasional flash of the characters camera. This made the film seem more real as it further emphasised the boredom that the character we follow must feel.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Blog Work


Steel Homes

1. Was there an element in the film that stood out to you?

The element of sound stood out to me in this short film. This is because the quiet diegetic sound created an atmosphere of seclusion from the world which helped me to become immersed into the film. However this immersed me into being a passive spectator therefore I found it difficult to be educated by this short film.

2. How does the films Form (structure and style) relate to its Content (theme and subject matter)?

The silence used for a majority of the documentary creates a calming effect. This combined with the narration of people talking helps to emphasise the real affect this place has on its customers.

3. Discuss 2 techniques used in the film which you found interesting- Why do you think this approach was used?

I found that the use of the people being interviewed in the foreground was interesting and that we never see a clip of them being interview, just the sound. I think this approach was used to display to the audience the technique of storytelling and highlighted that there are many stories to be told in this place, therefore the interviewees didn't matter as there are constant new stories in this place.

4. Is the way sound is used appropriate/successful for the film and why?

Sound throughout this short film is successfull. Sound was minimally used and for a majority of the film it was just the narration in the foreground with very little diegetic sound in the background. This helped me as an audience member to understand the isolation as well as the peace in this place which created a successful immersive effect to the audience that the filmmaker has used to create a specific atmosphere