Monday, 7 November 2011

The Edale Project- Planning on Location and Summary of the Shoot

As we were filming on the 27th October for the one day we had to carefully plan the amount of time we had to film our shots. Therefore Mark and I both decided it would be best to film the ending at the beginning as this was the furthest distance and then film the beginning after everything else. We also took into account the weather forecast which was proggressive showers and cloudy all day.
We made numerous changes to our shotlists on the day however took a range of different shots to compensate for any on location mess ups such as something getting in the shot or continuity problems in editing. Lighting raised a big deal on the Location due to Edales forecast for the day, there was not much we could do about this except use plastic bags to protect the camera and turn down the F-stop and after filming we decided that a reflector board would have been very handy to bring as toward the end of filming the lighting was low level and difficult to work with.
Despite the problems that arose on the day the camera and tape did their job and we filmed a range of different footage that could go well when putting together in editing.

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