Below is the shotlist I created after creating the script. This was then looked at by the rest of the group and edited accordingly by each person. We all decided on a final shotlist and this is what we came up with. Obviously this is liable to change during the production and we will treat this as a guideline more than an actual instructional list. We hope to get all these shots and more done in the two days we have available for shooting at our location. As you can see in scene 4 we are already changing the script and editing scenes out. However we are still confident about the overall piece and are looking forward to turning this into the final product. The next step is creating a storyboard so we can create an image for the shooting day.
Mid shot of daughters face
panning out straight above her eyeline as she watches Father exit. 10secs cut
by door shutting.
Wide shot at Father and
Daughters eyeline level of them at Dining room table. 4secs
2 shot from other side of table
(Still at same eyeline) 7secs
Close up of Father Saying Don’t
worry, we’ll get it done together flower 3secs
Close up of Daughters smiling
back at Father. 2secs
Back to 2 shot as they carry on
with work. 3secs
Tracking shot starting at far
right side of bedside table moving right to left through the pictures and over
to a mid/long shot of Father sat on bed looking at a picture and smoking. Stays
on until he puts down picture. 12secs
Cutaway shot of bedside table
as he puts the picture back on it and takes the pill box from the surface.
Cuts back to mid/long shot of
father taking pills. 5secs
Static wide shot in corner of
room throughout Fathers different mood swings.
Establishing shot of clock on bedside table (or on wall in bedroom)
the time showing 1.30am focus pulls to father in bed shuffling.
Long shot looking straight down
at Father layed in bed trying to get comfortable then sighing and getting
straight out of bed.
Mid shot with bed in
background, Father is pacing from right out of shot to left out of shot
repeating this about 3 times.
Long shot to other side of
bedroom looking at door as he decides to walk through it.
Shot inside fridge as Father
opens door to get food
Mid shot side view of fridge as
Father piles up food in his hands then closes it with his feet and exits toward
Living Room.
Tracking mid shot or over the
shoulder of Daughter walking into room and seeing Father slumped on sofa.
2 shot and over the Fathers
shoulder shot as Daughter clears up mess around father and nudges Father.
Mid shot of father as he
Back to 2 Shot as she grabs her
bag and leaves. (door slams in
Long shot of front door as
daughter arrives.
Long shot down hallway that
Daughter is in as Father appears quickly into the frame.
Tracks and pans with daughter
as she walks into the Dining Room
2 shot at Dining room table as
they sit and talk.
Close up of Father
Close up of Daughter
Mid shot of Father
Mid Shot of Daughter
Cutaway shot of pills next to
or on daughters side of the table.
Long shot framing daughter
central but Father in the right side slumped on the sofa as daughter gives
Father a cup of tea
Mid shot of Fathers vacant
expression at his eyeline
Mid shot as Daughter speaks and
her expression afterward
Mid shot of Fathers vacant
Back to 2 shot
Mid shot as daughter holds back
tears and turns around to exit room
Back to mid shot of Father
still with a vacant expression.
Wide shot of daughter crying on
kitchen surface.
Establishing night shot looking
up at stars but with trees at bottom of frame
Long shot of Father in car
Mid shot from back of car
looking out of car windscreen
Mid shot inside car looking at
Father dreamlessly staring at nothing.
Mid shot daughter reading at
Wide shot as Father enters room
with flowers in hand and says line.
Mid shot back to daughter
Mid shot of father
Back to 2 shot
Long shot of front door as
daughter arrives.
Long shot down hallway that
Daughter is in.
Tracks and pans with daughter
as she walks into the Dining Room
Wide shot at Dining room table
as father stands up angrily
OTS shot of Father as he
marches up to her
Mid shot of Father
Mid Shot of Daughter
Close up of Father
Close up of Daughter
2 shot as daughter grabs pills
toward pills.
OTS shot looking at Father as
he hits pills out of Daughters hand.
Close up father as he starts to
push forward at her
Handheld 2 shot as Father talks
and pushes daughter to the ground
Mid shot low angle from high up
as we follow Daughter fall to the ground
Mid shot/reverse shot of both
the reactions in silence starting at Father then at Daughter
Back to Father as he leaves the
room at exits.
Back to Daughter (Same shot as
opening scene) as we hear the car start and Father drive off
Wide shot of car arriving at
entrance to bridge and Father getting out of car, smoking and walking toward
Mid/Long shot of him walking
away from camera toward bridge
Mid shot tracking in front of
him as he walks and arrives at bridge edge
OTS shot of him as he looks
Wide shot at other side of
bridge looking at him
Wide X Long shot from away from
the bridge as he is looking
Mid shot as he steps back and
puts his hand into his back pocket
Cutaway Close up following his
hand holding his wallet as he opens it and gets out a picture of his Wife and
Daughter together putting his wallet back straight after.
Close up High angle looking up
next to where his hand is looking at his expression as a tear runs from his
Mid shot panning up slightly as
he looks up and bursts into tears maybe handheld
Back to Wide shot.
Mid shot again as he gets
phonecall and answers it
Close up of face whilst he is
talking and looking at picture
Cutaway of pic again?
Back to mid shot as he puts
down phone and puts pic back into back pocket. Starts to walk forward
POV shot as he steps up to edge
looking at feet and then down to bottom of bridge
Wide shot at other side of
bridge again
Mid shot from him looking down
and examining bottom expressionlessly and then looking up to the camera for
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