Pockets by James Lees is a thought provoking documentary showing the identity of people through what they hold in their pockets. We are taken through lots of different Londoners that are interviewed and ony briefly discuss the item they are holding and it's significance. Through the combination of seeing the item, the face of the items holder and hearing what they have to say about it we can find out a lot about the identity of the individual. For example the woman with the crack pipe and money is seen to be a typical crack addict however when we see her face we can see the regret in her eyes as she describes something she cannot attach herself from.
The documentary kept my interest and allowed me to think about each person as an individual instead of just the population of London. I have taken some inspiration from this short film as it is created with simle shots and simple sound editing that does not have any complicated editing or shots. As a whole I enjoyed what this documentary had to offer and will use some of the techniques when filming in Liverpool.
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