The shots and shot styles below are a list that we think will display the feeling of claustrophobia, order and control(or loss of control):
Depth-of-field to make the character seem smaller in the shot.
Some square and formal shots to show that everything has to be in order.
Unique angles to reflect how his mind works.
Multiple close ups of the character and his surroundings.
Repetition of shots through multiple takes and quick editing.
Quick cuts and seamless editing to show how his mind is fractured.
Low key lighting to add an atmosphere and aura of darkness and feeling alone.
High-angle shots to make him feel insignificant and isolated.
These ideas are useful in displaying to the audience the psychological state the character feels. We aim to put the audience into the mind of the character and experience what he experiences. This will show a sympathetic stance toward the obessive state he feels, allowing the mind of the character to be interpreted by the audience. We are able to convey this by using multiple set ups using 2 Canon 550D's and careful planning to mke sure we do not cross the boundaries we have made.
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