Friday, 3 February 2012

Experimental Film- Inspiration- Art

It seems ridiculous but this has been an inspiration during the creation of the Experimental ideas in the planning stages. It's not the im age of Barrack Obama but the fact that it has been created by thousands of little images put in a specific order to make the bigger picture. This idea of thousands of little shots put together in order is something we very much thought about in our initial idea. We have considered numerous montage sequences in fast paced. And if these are not ordered right and put together right it will not make a clear picture similar to if I moved some of the little picture above. This would mess up the picture and the final image/theme would loose it's clarity to the audience. Therefore I have had to keep this in mind when creating every element of our idea making sure that the underlining theme of psychologically fractured bahaviour is considered in every bit of the film.

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